Friday, March 13, 2009

Review of the week....

While it has been a week or so since my last post, it isn't because we weren't busy...we have had a lot going on!  My mom came in town last Wednesday to help with the girls while Jason had some business travel and then this past Wednesday Lucinda had her tonsils and adenoids removed! Thankfully, my mom was able to stay until today!  We really enjoyed her visit and the weather was so beautiful!  She helped so much with crafts and activities stored up for the next few weeks.  

Wednesday was Lu's surgery and with that came the cold and rain-fitting for us!  She was great!  The doctor said this was long over due and compared her tonsils to golf balls!  Her little voice sounds a little higher!  Violet misses her playing with her and wants to be with her when she can.  Thanks for all the prayers and continue as she recovers!

Enjoy the pics....

1 comment:

The Tennant's said...

So glad she's doing well and recovering. Isn't it great having your mom there to help out!